Just like the humans in your family, your pets need a healthy dental routine to keep their teeth in good condition. Why is pet dental care so important for your furry friends? Clover Vet wants you to know about four particularly important reasons to take care of your pet’s teeth.
- Skipping dental care can lead to pain – If you don’t take care of your teeth, chances are you’ll experience some pain in your teeth or gums. But when pets hurt, they can’t communicate what they’re feeling to their owners. Skipping regular dental treatments can cause your pet to be in pain or to even lose weight if it becomes too painful to eat. Avoid this issue by scheduling regular checkups so your dentist for dogs and cats can catch problems before they get too serious.
- Dental disease can develop – Failing to care for your pet’s teeth can also lead to dental diseases. Research has shown that four out of five dogs ages three and older will develop some form of periodontal disease. Some of these issues can cause harm to other organs, such as the heart. Avoid this scary scenario by talking to your veterinarian about pet dental care on your next visit.
- Pets aren’t easy on their teeth – As all pet owners know, our companions like to chew on all sorts of things. As a result, pets will wear out their teeth faster than humans. Keep an eye on what your pet likes to chew on and invest in softer toys if necessary.
- Dental problems lead to stinky breath – Your pet’s breath doesn’t always smell like roses. This problem can get worse if tooth decay and gum disease are involved. Help your pet have better smelling breath through regular dental care.
Clover Vet provides professional pet dental care services in Fort Mill, Lake Wylie, Rock Hill, and York County, SC. Schedule a dental appointment for your cat or dog today!